Real relationships in a digital world.

I read five articles that were based on the opinion of an online relationship/friendship. The authors where debating on can a real relationships be forged between people who never met. Do online friendships count ?? All five authors agree that it is possible to have a good online friendship. Some of the authors believe that it is way better than having a visual friendship. One of the authors named Alice actually met her husband online. She also States to have online friendships that have lasted more than a decade. And although she never met none of her friends in person she feels “genuinely closeness and intimacy with them based on their words no they are written by people I’ve never met”. One out of the five authors is actually gulp blogger. She says she spends most of her time on the internet and the internet is where she’s found all her friends. Another office sherry thinks that ” face-to-face relationships are risky”. Because too much emotion, worry, and invulnerability goes into a face-to-face friendship

rough draft

June 4th 2013 you enter this world. Over the years I have watch you grow into the smart little boy you are today. You have learn and grown so much over these past 3 years. I could never picture you at the age of three, now here you are standing in front of me as I stare into your dark big brown eyes. How I envy those long beautiful eyelashes. Every morning he wakes up with a smile on his face ready to head to school. We never fail to look at the arts and craft bulletin board next to Luis’s classroom every morning. I love seeing his art work,  even though most of the time its a whole bunch of scribbles everywhere on a piece of paper. Right when Luis enters his class room he knows to take off his jacket and put it away. To stand in line, to wash his hand, to seat, and eat his breakfast with his friends. Everyday I wonder why can’t he do this at home. Instead he takes of his jacket throws it on the floor. Takes off his shoes and runs on the coach ready to watch cartoons. Luis’s classroom is very kid friendly with bright color everywhere there abs , numbers , color pallets and letter all over the walls. Each kid has their own cubby with their names on it and a picture of themselves. The classroom is full of toys everywhere. It amazes me to see how well Luis interacts with other kids. He such a loving, caring, and good boy who gets along with everyone. Luis is at daycare from eight in the morning to about two thirty in the afternoon. Pick him up is such a great feeling. By the time I pick him up they’re at the gym. The gym is probably the craziest part of the building does children’s running around everywhere and at times it’s hard to find Luis with all those kids running around I have to look really hard. He usually comes running all excited into my arms screaming mommy Delete repeated word. Just by his reaction I can tell he missed me.

Luis’s favorite place to go is Chuck-E-Cheese he loves that place we usually go there about four times a month sometimes even more. I don’t know how he doesn’t get tired of it. Maybe it could be because of the games, prizes, rides,  food and all the entertainment attractions. Chuck E cheese is always full of kids running around everywhere and having fun. Luis favorite game it’s a horse race game. It’s a big horse and you seat the child on top. In front of the horses the screen and on that screen is seen about five to eight horse getting ready to play. Once Luis presses the start button his face gets full of excitement. The horse begins to move rocking side to side going up and down. Luis usually loses but he’s too small to realize he’s losing. I usually cheer him on and pretend like he’s winning the race. Lewis usually likes to play kid games that Barley give any tickets . So when it’s time to exchange the tickets and pick a prize you could just imagine how that goes.
Luis is really good with interacting with kids. I usually take him to the park because that’s usually the other place other than School that’s full with kids. Luis likes to run around at the park climb over stuff and make new friends he plays with all the kids at the park. By the time we go home you could imagine Luis will be exhausted. But instead he’s running around the house playing with his toy guns shooting the bad guys as he like to call them. Luis is a happy three year old filled with so much energy and a huge imagination.


I read the ethnography on “The American male at age 10”. The ethnography is about this woman name Susan who is conducting a study on this 10 year old boy name Collin. Susan studies Collin’s everyday schedule and how he conducts and things he does at his age. She observes the ways he behaves in public places such as school or at the playground or even at the pizzeria his behavior around his family. She observes his interests for example Collin loves to recycle. In the article Susan gives very specific detail of Collin. Specially when it comes to describing the way he looks or something that Collin might be wearing. Susan gives very good detail of Collin features and looks. When you read the ethnography as she describes Collin you can visually image Collin in your head. She also focus on the way Collin interacts with his friends. Susan also focus on the fact that Collin wants to be in the FBI when he is older. I like how Susan gives you a little detail of the neighborhood Collin lives in and his family background. Susan also talks about what Collin fantasizes about for example he dreams to move to Wyoming with his family and buy his own ranch. In this ethnography Susan gave every specific detail about Collin that it gives you a clear view of the type of 10 year old boy Collin is.


Passing On anxiety by Erin Fortunato

Erin in her article talks about suffering from extreme anxiety. She only felt safe on her mother’s arm. And was extremely terrified of her  when she would see him her stomach would twist, felt like she couldn’t breathe and her heart raced. Erin in her article mentions the lot of her anxiety came from being away from her mother. Erin also talks about how anxiety has haunted her whole life and has turned joyful moments into bad ones. Erin took therapy and it helped. Erin talks about how her anxiety has influence her kids . Erin talks about how she try to find different ways to calm down unnecessary fears.

Something that interested me in this article is that sometimes as parents we may not realize at that very moment that our behaviors will not only affect us but our kids as well. I like how erin was able to recognize the affect her anxiety was causing on her kids and find a way to overcome the situation together sometimes they would draw,read, and try to map out a solution to their problem.


memoir rought draft

I never once thought that the two most important people in my life would abandon me. I was born into this world and immediately remove from my mother’s arms by the Department of Children and family. Maybe if my mother would have never done drugs while being pregnant she would have been able to enjoy my newborn/toddle stage. She would have been able to see my first tooth grow in, to hear my first words and see me take my first steps. At about the age of 2 the Department of Children and Families had return me back to my biological mother. She has shown to be making progress and proven she was ready to be a mother. Growing up as a child I always thought I had the perfect family or maybe I was just too small to realize what was actually going on. What would a child know about grown-up problem. The older I got the more things I started to realize. My dad would constantly drink Non-Stop. But that wasn’t the worst part. He would turn into a monster when he drank. Maybe that was why he would beat my mom. Maybe that’s what pushed my mom into another man’s arms. Maybe that could have been what pushed her into doing drugs. Maybe she’s just trying to escape from all the pain. It was like our life slowly started to crumble down. My dad had stabbed the man my mom was having an affair with at my house in front of my siblings and I, the Department of Children and Families got involved again. A couple weeks after the incident my siblings and I were removed from our home. My mom and my dad made the decision to get a divorce. At the age of 9 I ended up back in foster  care with my two siblings we were lucky enough to be placed in the same home. Our foster parents name was Lesby she was the most nicest thing she made her place feel like our own. Even though my foster parent was really nice there was so many sleepless nights where I would lay in bed and wonder why me I’m so young to be suffering . There was so many nights I wished I had my mom tuck me into bed and kiss me on my forehead say good night and reassure me everything was going to be okay. But my mother just kept getting worse and worse . She never fought back for our custody, she just gave up her right as a mother. When the Department of Children and Families told us my mom had sign her rights over to them we were shattered. We always had that hope that one day we would be a normal happy family again it was time to get use to the life we now had. Around the holidays was when it would hit the hardest. Our friend talked about spending time with their families and here we were wishing that we could be in their shoes. Full of pain and anger I would hide all my emotions with a smile on my face I did have to younger siblings that now looked up to me more then ever . I had to be strong for them after all my foster mom treated us like her own kids she truly loved us and appreciated us and we loved her as if she was our second mother. At the age of 15 I became a mother myself I was only a freshman in high school. I was nervous and scared to be a teen parent but one thing I know for sure was that I was going to be nothing like my mother. I knew that I was going to try my best to be the best mother ever. Give my child the world so he wouldn’t suffer like I did growing Up. So many people doubt my Success because I was going to become a Teen Mom. They thought that I was going to throw my life away but that made me push harder. I found a job focused on school, my child, and my future. My boyfriend and I started to save up money and at the age of 17 purchase our first car I graduated high school with honor rolls by the time I was 18 I had saved enough money to find an apartment and live on my own. Now I am 19 years old in my second semester of college, my son is now four years old and I didn’t let my past or my pain bring me down. I learn how to deal with my pain from the past and it made me realize what I wanted in my life.

The theme that I will based my papers on will be on technology.  In my personal experience I will be writing about my boyfriend’s brother, and how he always plays video games. I will be observing him by seeing the way he behaves while he is playing video games. For my argument I am thinking on a topic of “Do violent video games case children to act violent.”

Most of the writing I usually do is for school. I write about whatever the assignment is based on but my overall favorite writing would be when I am writing about my life. I am the type of person that has to have a rough draft all written out, re worded, fix for grammar error, and have my thoughts organized before I actually move on to typing out my paper . I can describe myself as a messy writer while composing and putting together my overall paper. I think that having a rough draft helps me on better ideas and results for my final draft.  My overall writing process is not that great I have a lot of trouble with grammar. My goal for this semester is to see my overall writing improvement through the semester.